Safety Policy Statement 

Darwin Port (DP) requires that all officers, workers and other persons who are in attendance at a DP workplace have a duty of care to conduct themselves in a professional and safe manner and to ensure that their actions do not adversely affect others.

Download the full Work Health and Safety Policy Statement

Port Safety Plan

Darwin Port Operations Pty Ltd (Darwin Port) was declared Port Operator, and Darwin Port Pilotage Pty Ltd was appointed as the pilotage service provider for the pilotage area by the Minister in accordance with the Ports Management Act (the Act)

Darwin Port is responsible for the safe and efficient management, control and operation of the facilities and services of the Port of Darwin.

In accordance with the Act and in continuing to set a standard for safe operations, Darwin Port has completed the annual review and renewal of the Port Safety Plan (PSP). This plan was approved by the Regional Harbourmaster December 2023.

The PSP’s intent is to ensure that a collaborative and systematic approach to safety management by Darwin Port and its tenants, licensees and service providers is delivered across the Port of Darwin.

If you have any queries in relation to Darwin Port’s work, health and safety arrangements, please contact Stacey Smith on (08) 8919 0825 or

Port Safety Plan

Minimum Safety Expectations

Minimum Safety Expectations

WHS Management System

Darwin Port Safety Management System (SMS) acts as a systematic approach to the management of safety. The methodology used delivers a simple and effective way of controlling risk and is based on guidance from AS/NZS 4804:2001, Occupational health and safety management systems— General guidelines on principles, systems and supporting techniques. This caters both to landside and harbour operations for the Port of Darwin. 

The SMS framework involves; 

  • setting the direction through establishing policies and standards; 
  • usage of procedures and plans to manage the system; and 
  • applying systems, forms and tools which control and support the activities